当日最新汇率实时更新, 当前澳元汇率 $4.76


welcome to Hera Template

About v.1

It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.

Our Philosophy

We do what we love

The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind. Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.

分析:普京的部队正在乌克兰逃亡 中国领导 人习近平会援手支持吗?


March 20, 2020

“这是你的事”:乌鲁鲁宣言领导人发布广 告 呼吁澳大利亚人为公投投出“赞成票”


March 20, 2020

参加女王葬礼的唯一华裔澳人Trudy Lin:“多样性让澳洲了不起"

Trudy Lin认为,包括她在内的获邀参加女王葬礼的十位澳人正是澳洲“平等与包容价值观的|

March 20, 2020


澳洲最新失业率略升至3.5% 因病缩短工作时间人数仍在高位

分析:普京的部队正在乌克兰逃亡 中国领导 人习近平会援手支持吗?

“这是你的事”:乌鲁鲁宣言领导人发布广 告 呼吁澳大利亚人为公投投出“赞成票”

参加女王葬礼的唯一华裔澳人Trudy Lin:“多样性让澳洲了不起"



Our Philosophy

We do what we love

The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind. Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.


Our mission is to Educate you about your finances

There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.

There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.

Finance is not merely about making money. It’s about achieving our deep goals and protecting the fruits of our labor. It’s about stewardship and, therefore, about achieving the good society.